Watch Now Interested vs. Interesting July 14, 2023 Interested vs. Interesting A key New Church concept is that “variety is perfection” … and that makes the world much more interesting!
Watch Now Goals for the New Year: Moving to a Sacred Yes December 28, 2023 We start with looking at where are thoughts are actions are obsessive, compulsive and destructive. That is where we can offer a sacred no to...
Watch Now Challenging Relationship: How Do I Take the First Step? June 21, 2022 Challenging Relationship: How Do I Take the First Step? We all have any number of strained relationships. If we are seeking repair, how do we...
Watch Now Participatory Hope December 6, 2022 Participatory Hope Hope is a wonderful thing. It also means we need to participate. #Christmas #advent #hope #preparingforchristmas #newchurchlive #Luke10