An Intentional Stance Towards the World
7th, June 2023
An Intentional Stance Towards the World Emotions are not only reactions. Cultivated, they can help us take an intentional stance towards the world. “Ride on...
Just Voices….
6th, June 2023
Just Voices….. We struggle with our inner voices again and again. No easy way out of it, but what can we do about it? Watch...
Freedom From The Voices That Haunt Us
4th, June 2023
Many struggle with voices in their head that do anything but serve. Freed from those voices, even temporarily, we find moments of God-given peace. How...
And the Whole World Had One Language
2nd, June 2023
And the Whole World had One Language If there is one “language”, what would it be? What roles can we all serve? Together we can...
On the Edge of Intentionality
1st, June 2023
On the Edge of Intentionality We are live with a certain freedom right in front of us …. the freedom to live with more intention.
A Match and Fire
31st, May 2023
A Match and Fire Hard to carry fire. Easy to carry a match. Loving service into the common good is what actually brings heaven to...
Joy is an Eternity Seeking Thing
30th, May 2023
Joy is an Eternity Seeking Thing Joy, paradoxically, anchors us both in the present and in the future. As we seek what is eternal, can...
Freedom to Live
28th, May 2023
The whole name-of-the-game, from a Christian New Church perspective, is freedom. If we back up to the broadest of views, what does freedom, as it...
A Faith Born of Love
26th, May 2023
A Faith Born of Love Faith can be born of many things, but maybe the most powerful faith is faith born of love.
Search for the Sacred
24th, May 2023
Search for the Sacred We search for the sacred. And where it is often found? Quiet awe. The sacred is much quieter, much more about...
Grace – Full
23rd, May 2023
Grace – Full Deitrich Bonhoeffer famously warned of “Cheap Grace.” Real grace is costly … and beautiful.