Ending the Worship Wars
9th, May 2023
Ending the Worship Wars Rituals among churches and faith often differ. But it is really the heart that matters. Can we let our similarities outweigh...
Guided By Kindness
8th, May 2023
Guided by Kindness Our sight changes when we can be guided by a loving kindness. Be on the lookout for the best qualities in other...
7th, May 2023
Baptism, a sacrament filled with meaning, holds great importance. It is a way we commit with an eye towards the future around a life of...
Grateful for Pastor Karl Parker
5th, May 2023
Grateful for Pastor Karl Parker A 10 minutes of calm dedicated to the memory of our dear friend Pastor Karl Parker. Watch Karl Parker give...
Getting Out of Our Own Heads
2nd, May 2023
Getting Out Of Our Own Heads We can often fall into a stupor created by our own self-absorption. Is there a way to at least...
To Reweave the Rainbow
28th, April 2023
To Reweave the Rainbow If one of the challenges of life is “unweaving the rainbow”, what does it look to like to reweave it?
To Unweave the Rainbow
27th, April 2023
To Unweave the Rainbow Keats warned of the dangers of science when we seek to “unweave the rainbow.” His point – allow beauty to stand...
The 3 MPH God
26th, April 2023
The 3 MPH God Jesus walked this earth at 3 mph. A lot can be said for the 3 mph God. Are we able to...