What is Inside of Us?
6th, March 2023
What is Inside of Us? There is a lot inside of us – “the kingdom of heaven is within.” How does that look?
Who is Asking?
3rd, March 2023
Who is Asking? We have an “inner” and an “outer” self … our spiritual lives and our natural lives. Who is doing the asking is...
Heroes vs. Saints
2nd, March 2023
Heroes vs. Saints We search for heroes, those whom we believe will take the decisive action to save us from peril. But what of saints?...
What Life Picks for You
28th, February 2023
What Life Picks for You How can we come to the simple question … What is possible today?
A Future and a Hope
27th, February 2023
A Future and a Hope We live in a time where a consistent call remains “to be present.” What if being “present” meant also having...
What Seeds Get Planted?
24th, February 2023
What Seeds Get Planted? What seeds is God planting in our lives? Kindness is seed from God. Our job is to plant the seeds of...
A New Way to Think About Identity
23rd, February 2023
A New Way to Think About Identity We live in an era where it’s both easy and fashionable to slip into all the ways in...
Where the Good Stuff Comes From
22nd, February 2023
Where the Good Stuff Comes From Good comes from God. His gift? That we get to feel it as if it were our own.
What Does Heaven Smell Like?
21st, February 2023
What Does Heaven Smell Like? Maybe heaven smells like this … like peace. Let’s look a little closer at the story of Noah and some...
17th, February 2023
Sacrifice To “sacrifice’ means ‘to make sacred.’ What is God’s desire in that offering? Can we look at life through the lens of our hearts?...