Lesson One: Gratitude Towards the Future
21st, November 2022
Lesson One: Gratitude Towards The Future Gratitude often centers itself on an accounting of the past, and an accounting of the present. All good! And,...
In a Crisis, What Dies in Us?
17th, November 2022
In A Crisis, What Dies in Us? Things do indeed “die” in a crisis. Some of those “deaths” are often temporary – the “death” of...
Telling the Story from Inside the Boat
16th, November 2022
Telling the Story from Inside the Boat What our story is matters. Important to ask… where are we telling our story from? Is anxiety the...
The Simple Fact of What We Can’t Control
15th, November 2022
The Simple Fact of What We Can’t Control When hard times arrive suddenly, we often lose ourselves in a flurry of activity. Eventually we come...
Are Patience and Faith the Same Thing?
14th, November 2022
Are Patience and Faith the Same Thing? Storms are rarely one-time, short events. They last. As we navigate, how do patience and faith come into...
Finding Gratitude As We Age
13th, November 2022
We rarely talk about aging with positive messaging. How then do we work towards finding gratitude as we age? It comes over time by shifting...
Pain AND Suffering – What Can We Do?
10th, November 2022
Pain AND Suffering – What can we do? The old adage that pain is a given, but suffering is optional might not be fully true....
Raining from Above and Below
9th, November 2022
Raining from Above and Below In Genesis, as the flood grows, rain springs both below and above. A clear metaphor worthy of attention as in...