Watch Now Off the Rails September 21, 2023 Off the Rails As parents, we all know at times our children’s behavior (and ours) can go off the rails. What are three options we...
Watch Now And the Whole World Had One Language June 2, 2023 And the Whole World had One Language If there is one “language”, what would it be? What roles can we all serve? Together we can...
Watch Now You Will Only See It When You… January 5, 2023 You Will Only See It When You…. We rarely see or understand the whole person. We see a part. And how can we see that...
Watch Now Lesson One: Gratitude Towards the Future November 21, 2022 Lesson One: Gratitude Towards The Future Gratitude often centers itself on an accounting of the past, and an accounting of the present. All good! And,...