Watch Now Online church |near me 17th, May 2020 We are both witnessing and participating in a sea change in our culture. Churches are being challenged, as are many of our institutions. How do...
Watch Now Riding Out The Storm 26th, April 2020 As we figuratively ride the waves where old patterns are challenged, we may feel increasingly that we are no longer in control. But in a...
Watch Now Bending to Serve 29th, March 2020 There are few more powerful stories than the story of Jesus, facing his death, washing the feet of his disciples. Far from a debasing practice,...
Watch Now Straining Towards Meaning 22nd, March 2020 Human beings, created as they are by God, strain towards finding meaning. Different than explanation, “meaning” is about context, perspective, holding onto a bigger picture...
Watch Now How do we declutter our lives? 15th, September 2019 Our lives are way too cluttered. Carl Jung famously said, “I climbed down 1,000 ladders to the little clod of earth I am.” What if...
Watch Now A new view from Sunday 16th, June 2019 Guest host Curtis Childs from the “Off The Left Eye” YouTube Channel will help us explore the idea of the Sabbath from the New Church...
Watch Now Surprised To Be Loved! 19th, May 2019 Life can seem like a railroad track with parallel rails of successes and failures. Yet both rails are needed for one journey. As we close...
Watch Now Light in the Darkness of Addiction 17th, March 2019 A service for those struggling with the disease of addiction and the families who love them.
Watch Now Opening Up with Dr. Dan Gottlieb 27th, January 2019 Join Dr. Dan Gottlieb for an inspiring morning as we look at what it takes to truly open up. An amazing opportunity to hear from...
Watch Now 5 Things God Wants for Your Family: Courage 23rd, September 2018 Join us as we welcome back Scarlett Lewis. Scarlett lost her son Jesse 5 years ago in the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School....