Something Breaks…
27th, October 2022
Something “breaks” when we reach the edge of self-sufficiency. Or maybe we should say something breaks open. #hope #strength #newchurchlive #true #Genesis7
The Six Ways that People Need Help
23rd, October 2022
What does it mean to be spiritually hungry? Or spiritually imprisoned? Jesus famous assertion that “I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was...
Addiction: Can We Find an Anchor?
14th, October 2022
The theological virtue of hope is the patient and trustful willingness to live without closure, without resolution, and still be content and even happy because...
Mirrors and Windows
25th, September 2022
In life we struggle. We get consumed with how we look to others. Imagine a way in which we were no longer looking in the...
You Are Always Protected
19th, September 2022
There is always – no matter the storm – a part of us that is protected. Gen. 6:14 #Noah’sArk #protected
Higher Perspective
18th, September 2022
We struggle with tunnel vision and limited sight. How do we gain a more panoramic view of life? Can we see life through God’s eyes?...
What Gets Born Out of Failure?
10th, August 2022
What Gets Born Out of Failure? Out of a string of failures, good things can be born. Gen. 5:30 Secrets Heaven 536