Sunday Services

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As In Heaven

5th, November 2023

The prayer reads, “As in heaven, so upon the earth.”  So should our lives – now and then – as we come to answer the...

What Matters Most

29th, October 2023

What Are We Responsible For? This question moves us out of ourselves and into the inspiring conversation around how to form a life that while...

Life’s Many Layers

22nd, October 2023

We are created by God with many layers, from the most external to the deepest love embedded in our souls. How do we touch the...

Life Worth Living

15th, October 2023

What makes life worth living? What is worth wanting? What in the end truly matters? Let’s look at these questions in a deep and caring...

Conflict with Others

24th, September 2023

Heaven is more interested in solving problems than conflict. Hell, on the other hand, would have us flip, prioritizing conflict over actual constructive engagement with...

Conflict with Ourselves

17th, September 2023

Every human being is a mix. Blessed and broken. Saint and sinner. True self and false self. How can we hold all the conflict in...

Problems Are Ok

10th, September 2023

As much as we’d all like to avoid the challenges and setbacks we’re faced with, there’s an incredibly potent silver lining that comes with them....

Finding Faith

3rd, September 2023

Many of us want more faith in our lives. “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief” seems like a common experience. And God does answer that...

Slowing Down

27th, August 2023

We live in a time in which we relentlessly pursue efficiency. Efficiency has many positive attributes, but it rapidly can cost us our presence. How...

Love Is Patient

20th, August 2023

One of the most powerful definitions and descriptions of love can be found in 1st Corinthians 13. The first line is… “Love is Patient.” Why...