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Commitment to Relationships

16th, April 2023

Esau McCaulley wrote that “commitment – not mere enthusiasm – is love fully matured.”  Relationships are the ground where commitment gains meaning. What kind of...

The Colors of the Rainbow

11th, April 2023

The Colors of the Rainbow Rainbows, in the ancient words from Genesis, are considered a sign of God’s presence with us. The promise of God...


9th, April 2023

Join for this special family service as we celebrate Easter.  This is a day of deep celebration, a day where we remember, together, that despite...

Your Voice

7th, April 2023

Your Voice We tend to think that a church body must speak with one homogeneous voice. What if, instead, we searched for ways to find...

Worried About the Kids

5th, April 2023

Worried About the Kids As parents or caregivers, what might we think of God offering in terms of the countless times we are worried about...

What Saves Us?

4th, April 2023

What Saves Us? The question, “What Saves Us?” is a question many wrestle with. It is a one-time event? Is it over time – decision...

Hearts Alive Again

3rd, April 2023

Hearts Alive Again What would it be like to have our hearts come alive again? What’s coming alive for you now?