Mysterious Joy
21st, December 2023
Mysterious Joy If we can’t create joy, how might we be able to run into it this Advent season? We walk into a room and...
The Bad Math That Brings Joy
20th, December 2023
The Bad Math That Brings Joy Jesus offers a beautiful parable where he talks about leaving the 99 sheep to find the one lost sheep....
Uninvited Joy
19th, December 2023
Uninvited Joy Joy often exists despite all the reasons it should not. Joy is sneaky that way … and joy is central to the advent...
The Gift of Joy: At Christmas
17th, December 2023
Maybe we owe the world joy. Maybe there truly is a “duty of delight.” It is not a small thing that we often celebrate Christmas...
Something Else Is Also Happening
15th, December 2023
Something Else Is Also Happening Jesus’ birth was not a universal experience. Most went about their lives that first Christmas day with no thought about...
The Peace of Truth
14th, December 2023
The Peace of Trust Jesus’ birth was clearly of humble origins. We can’t gloss over this fact. It was humble – and it was honest...
Finding Peace with Who We Are
13th, December 2023
Finding Peace with Who We Are Powerfully, in the Advent season, Mary proclaims that she is both blessed and humbled. Blessed and humble. These two...
Peace in Imperfect Moments
12th, December 2023
Peace in Imperfect Moments Christmas is filled with moments from absurdly joyful, to messy and frustrating. How do we find peace even in the imperfect?
The Gift of Peace: This Christmas
10th, December 2023
God promises us a “peace that passes all understanding.” That is a different kind of peace than the peace we are most familiar with –...
Hope in Small Places
8th, December 2023
Hope in Small Places When life feels dark, how do we find hope? Often, we find it in small places. Notice the small consistent things...
Hope As Protest
5th, December 2023
Hope As Protest True hope is grounded. It is deeply grounded in the world as it is as well as being deeply grounded in a...