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What is Hell?

6th, September 2023

What is Hell? We can visualize hell as a place. And, sadly, we are there when hatred takes over our lives.  

Living with the Tension

5th, September 2023

Living with the Tension Much of the spiritual life is a about living with the tension around how life could be and how life is....

Finding Faith

3rd, September 2023

Many of us want more faith in our lives. “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief” seems like a common experience. And God does answer that...


1st, September 2023

Ambitious? With anything, holding it in the context of use helps us put in its proper context. That includes ambition. “The outer self exists to...

Slowing Down

27th, August 2023

We live in a time in which we relentlessly pursue efficiency. Efficiency has many positive attributes, but it rapidly can cost us our presence. How...

Bad Feels Good

25th, August 2023

Bad Feels Good One of the challenges of a spiritual life is that bad does indeed feel good! “They separated, a man from his brother.”...

Beauty Points to Truth

24th, August 2023

Beauty Points to Truth As life weaves together in more and more well-woven patterns of integrity, we will often come to see truth through beauty....

Prayer for Patience

23rd, August 2023

Discover the spirit of patience as we delve into the transformative power of a prayer for patience. Defining prayer as the strength to endure burdens,...

Love Is Patient

20th, August 2023

One of the most powerful definitions and descriptions of love can be found in 1st Corinthians 13. The first line is… “Love is Patient.” Why...