Grief and Joy
26th, March 2023
Easter’s power is around a cycle known well to all of humanity – Death, Waiting, Resurrection. Restated, we face loss, a loss followed by a...
Protecting Each Other
22nd, March 2023
Protecting Each Other We have many opportunities to protect each other. One of the best (and most difficult) ways is giving others the benefit of...
Layers Upon Layers
17th, March 2023
Layers Upon Layers Underneath our worldly concerns lie these deeper levels of love, levels that anchor us to God and to each other. They are...
What Has Been Placed in Your Hands?
16th, March 2023
What Has Been Placed in Your Hands What is ours to do? That is a question we answer our whole lives. What been placed in...
Memories Change
10th, March 2023
Memories Change Memories, in a sense, are always with us. But maybe, with attention, memories can “change” in positive ways.
Holding Best Intentions
8th, March 2023
Holding Best Intentions The life of an angel is the life of the inner self. How do we know that is? We look to our...
Learning to Die Before We Die
7th, March 2023
Learning to Die Before We Die Emanuel Swedenborg offers this insight. “After we die, we first start to live.” That is not to downgrade the...