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Divine Love, Swedenborg, Wisdom

The Nature of God: Divine Love and Wisdom

One of the goals of the NewChurch Live blog is to provide visitors with information about Swedenborgian theology to build understanding and prompt conversation. This is the first in a series called “The Nature of…” where we’ll explore different Swedenborgian concepts.


What if we’ve been asking the wrong question about God? What if we were focusing on humanizing him in a way that makes true understanding difficult. What if instead of focusing on who is God– a question we might ask about a human we don’t know– we focused on what is God?

The nature of God, in the Swedenborgian tradition, is often described as the union of divine love and divine wisdom. These two qualities are not just attributes of God but the very essence of His being. Divine love is the source of all goodness and compassion, while divine wisdom is the guiding light that brings clarity, order, and truth. Together, they form the foundation upon which the universe rests and provide us with a blueprint for living in harmony with God and each other.

In his works, Swedenborg asserts not only that God is love but also offers a rich exploration of how God’s love fuels his wisdom, and how both are expressed in the world around us. Through Swedenborg’s insights, we come to understand that divine love without wisdom can be chaotic, while wisdom without love becomes cold and distant. It is the perfect marriage of the two that reflects the true nature of God—both in His care for humanity and in the structure of the universe itself.


The Nature of God: Love and Wisdom

When we seek to know someone, we seek to know who they are at their core. What are they made of? According to Swedenborg, love is not just an attribute of God but the very essence of God’s being. It’s the source of life itself, an ever-present force sustaining and nurturing all creation.

Swedenborg describes divine love as the driving energy behind everything we see, feel, and experience. Just as the sun radiates heat to warm the earth and help create and sustain life, so does God’s love flow into all living things. And, more than just sustaining life, this pure and infinite love is also an effort to help us do more than just survive, it aims to help us heal as well as unite with others in harmony.


However, much like any relationship, love alone is not enough. Without divine wisdom, God’s love would remain intangible, simply a feeling. Wisdom provides the light that guides love, shaping and organizing it so it can achieve its divine purpose. While love is the desire to do good, wisdom provides the understanding of how to bring that goodness into reality.


Together, divine love and wisdom are inseparable. In everything we observe in nature, from our own heartbeats and the growing trees and their leaves, even as they change for the season to every star that shines in the night sky, we can  see the union of God’s love and wisdom at work—love as the essence, and wisdom as the form. Through them, the divine order unfolds, allowing everything to flourish according to God’s perfect will.

So what does this mean for us? In our own lives, we are invited to witness this divine balance and reflect on it, asking not just how does God do this, but how do we participate? Nurturing love in our hearts and seeking wisdom in our actions can help us align ourselves with the very nature of God.


The Interdependence of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom

As we’ve mentioned, to get the full benefit of God’s love or God’s wisdom, they must work in tandem. In fact, Swedenborg’s writings stress that divine love and wisdom are inseparable forces, bound together like the warmth and light of the sun.

Divine love is the deep, unending intention to do good, while divine wisdom is the way good is manifested and carried out. Love is the heart of God’s being, the source of all goodness, but without wisdom, it would remain a formless desire. Wisdom gives structure to love, guiding it with clarity and purpose, allowing the divine to bring order, meaning, and life into the universe.


Swedenborg teaches that this interdependence is not just theoretical but deeply practical. Every action of God is a perfect blend of love and wisdom, where love inspires the will to do good, and wisdom reveals how to make that goodness real. In our own lives, we can feel love urging us to help, comfort, or uplift others. But it is wisdom that shows us how to channel that love in ways that are most effective and beneficial. In this way, divine love without wisdom would be blind, while wisdom without love would be cold.

Let’s take for example our desire to help someone who is grieving or hurting. The desire to help, our need to caretake comes from a place of love. But, as we all know, there are actions, such as preparing meals, taking care of time-consuming tasks, or even just sitting with a friend or loved one that are purposeful and helpful. We have both the love to care and the wisdom to know how to do it. Without both, we may stand idly by while someone is in pain or, worse, add to the pain with unwise actions.


Our journey in this world is to align ourselves with this divine order—allowing the love we feel for others to be guided by wisdom, and letting wisdom itself be softened and enriched by love. This sacred balance is how we reflect His presence in our lives, living with both compassion and discernment.


Application of God’s Divine Love and Wisdom in Everyday Life

So, what do we do with this understanding of how love and wisdom work in conjunction with one another? With the understanding that we are vessels for God’s love and wisdom and, on Earth, it is our purpose to share these, seeking practical applications of these core concepts is natural.

However, it’s worth noting that applying God’s divine love and wisdom in our daily lives is not just a spiritual ideal—it’s a practical guide for how we can live more fully, compassionately, and purposefully. Embracing these divine qualities allows us to transform ordinary moments into opportunities to reflect God’s presence in the world. How can you do that?


1. Show Compassion and Forgiveness

Just as God’s love is unconditional, we are called to show compassion, even when (especially when?) it is difficult. When someone wrongs us, we can practice forgiveness, knowing that divine love seeks to help us, and potentially others, heal, not hold grudges. Forgiveness is a powerful way to reflect God’s mercy in our relationships.


2. Seek Truth in All Things

Divine wisdom encourages us to pursue truth and understanding, both in our spiritual lives and in the practical world. Whether it’s through studying scripture, making ethical decisions, or seeking clarity in our personal relationships via open communication, living with a heart aligned to truth allows us to reflect God’s order and purpose.


3. Practice Patience and Kindness

Patience is a way of showing love through action. In moments of frustration, take a deep breath and remember that God’s love is patient with us. Acts of kindness, however small, are expressions of divine love that can brighten the lives of others and create ripple effects of goodness in the world.


4. Listen with Empathy

One of the ways we can practice divine wisdom is by listening with an open heart and mind. Whether in conversations with friends, family, or strangers, listening deeply allows us to understand others on a soul level, aligning ourselves with God’s desire for connection and peace.


5. Offer Service to Others

Divine love is selfless and calls us to serve those in need. Whether it’s volunteering, supporting a friend, or simply being present for someone going through a difficult time, acts of service are a direct reflection of God’s love working through us.


6. Pray and Reflect Daily

To truly align ourselves with God’s love and wisdom, it is important to nurture our relationship with Him through prayer and reflection. By spending time each day in quiet communion with God, we open our hearts and minds to His guidance, allowing divine love and wisdom to flow into our decisions and actions.


7. Build Communities of Love

As a church community, we are called to create spaces where love and wisdom flourish. This means supporting one another, building bonds of trust, and ensuring all members feel valued and heard. Together, we can reflect God’s love for the world by fostering unity, compassion, and spiritual growth.

Incorporating divine love and wisdom into our daily lives doesn’t require grand gestures—it can be found in the simple, mindful choices we make. Striving to live as vessels of God’s love and wisdom brings a touch of the divine into every corner of our world.

Whether you’re looking to get involved, explore opportunities for prayer and reflection, seeking to learn more about Swedenborg or NewChurch Live, get in touch with us today. Wherever you may be on your spiritual journey, it is always a journey and we’re here to walk with you.