Grateful for Pastor Karl Parker
5th, May 2023
Grateful for Pastor Karl Parker A 10 minutes of calm dedicated to the memory of our dear friend Pastor Karl Parker. Watch Karl Parker give...
Getting Out of Our Own Heads
2nd, May 2023
Getting Out Of Our Own Heads We can often fall into a stupor created by our own self-absorption. Is there a way to at least...
To Reweave the Rainbow
28th, April 2023
To Reweave the Rainbow If one of the challenges of life is “unweaving the rainbow”, what does it look to like to reweave it?
To Unweave the Rainbow
27th, April 2023
To Unweave the Rainbow Keats warned of the dangers of science when we seek to “unweave the rainbow.” His point – allow beauty to stand...
The 3 MPH God
26th, April 2023
The 3 MPH God Jesus walked this earth at 3 mph. A lot can be said for the 3 mph God. Are we able to...
The Alchemy of Commitment and Freedom
24th, April 2023
The Alchemy of Commitment and Freedom What is true freedom? If we compel ourselves to fulfill a certain obligation, we can discover freedom on the...
Family Commitment
23rd, April 2023
For many, family houses are both our most rewarding and challenging relationships. As such, what does family commitment look like in times of strain, and...
Being Gratitude
21st, April 2023
Being Gratitude As we practice humbly listening to the gifts God has given us, we move beyond gratitude as a list and into gratitude as...