9th, April 2023
Join for this special family service as we celebrate Easter. This is a day of deep celebration, a day where we remember, together, that despite...
What is the Point of Creation?
6th, April 2023
What is the Point of Creation? While science offers the explanations of “How”, faith can add a beautiful answer as to “Why?”
Worried About the Kids
5th, April 2023
Worried About the Kids As parents or caregivers, what might we think of God offering in terms of the countless times we are worried about...
What Saves Us?
4th, April 2023
What Saves Us? The question, “What Saves Us?” is a question many wrestle with. It is a one-time event? Is it over time – decision...
Hearts Alive Again
3rd, April 2023
Hearts Alive Again What would it be like to have our hearts come alive again? What’s coming alive for you now?
Eternal Love
31st, March 2023
Eternal Love Eternal love is the idea that God’s love is infinite and everlasting and is seen as the foundation of marriage. The New Church...
The Nature of Evil
30th, March 2023
The Nature of Evil We often struggle with understanding the nature of evil. What is its actual nature? Where does evil originate? What can we...
North, South, East, and West
29th, March 2023
North, South, East, and West For the Christian New Church, variety is considered perfection. We draw from the North, South, East, and West. Let’s dive...
God’s Wholeness
28th, March 2023
God’s Wholeness Many Christians speak of a trinity. What if that trinity was really about a wholeness? Let’s try to make The Father, The Son,...
God’s Word
27th, March 2023
God’s Word What is God’s Word? What is canonical in Christian New Church circles? Let’s talk about a powerful convergence between revelation and experience.