Raining from Above and Below
9th, November 2022
Raining from Above and Below In Genesis, as the flood grows, rain springs both below and above. A clear metaphor worthy of attention as in...
Why Is It So Hard?
7th, November 2022
Why Is It So Hard? Life is hard for many of us on more days than it is easy. Why? #hope #strength
Failing Forward with Gratitude
6th, November 2022
We all reach a point in our journeys where it feels like we are failing. Let’s discuss the possibility of doing our best to stay...
Shame and Guilt
2nd, November 2022
Shame and guilt are helpful for only brief periods of time. We need to move on with God’s help.
“Better” or “Softer”?
31st, October 2022
As we enter challenging seasons of life, what is the outcome God bends us towards? It is always “better”, or “softer”? Check out our recent...
Something Breaks…
27th, October 2022
Something “breaks” when we reach the edge of self-sufficiency. Or maybe we should say something breaks open. #hope #strength #newchurchlive #true #Genesis7
The Six Ways that People Need Help
23rd, October 2022
What does it mean to be spiritually hungry? Or spiritually imprisoned? Jesus famous assertion that “I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was...
Addiction: Can We Find an Anchor?
14th, October 2022
The theological virtue of hope is the patient and trustful willingness to live without closure, without resolution, and still be content and even happy because...