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From Nervous to Centered

28th, July 2024

The book of Philippians is a fascinating section from the Bible. Written by Paul while he was imprisoned, it offers clear directions around navigating life...

Bending Not Breaking

18th, July 2024

God’s love is gentle. It seeks to bend not break. How can we humbly mirror that in our own lives? Love for others is a...

Hope in Uncertain Times

14th, July 2024

As our journeys take us though episodes of challenge, Hope may be the best medicine but often the most elusive. Join New Church Live for...

Breaking the Cycle

9th, July 2024

We can get caught in loops – loops of thought that replay endlessly. How can we break out of those loops? One thing to remember...

Us Against the World?

27th, June 2024

It is easy to see everything as a life and death battle. But life is not that simple. Much of the spiritual is learning that...

You Are Seen

16th, June 2024

We all struggle with loneliness. And yet the elemental building block of all creation is love. How can we build there, finding more connection and...

Bottoming Out

12th, June 2024

Sometimes the only way we will face our challenges head on is by bottoming out. Not a pleasant thought but we can find a unique...

Transforming Negativity

2nd, June 2024

It is easy to give way to negativity, to allow it to shape our lives. How can we, with God’s help, transform that negativity? A...