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24th, May 2024

Discernment, when facing decisions, is challenging. These three steps might help. (1) Keep first things recognizably first. Make a list. (2) Pray for peace, pray...

Forward in Faith

19th, May 2024

We all experience hollowness at times, where life feels empty. Our faith often can feel the same. How do we get back on track? What...

It Is All a Miracle

12th, May 2024

When we feel empty, burned out, God asks us to remember the miracle. It is not just the miracle of the 1969 “Miracle Mets” World...

From Emptiness to Purpose

5th, May 2024

Abraham’s Journey and Our Spiritual Renewal There is an emptiness that is life giving. Let’s hold that as spaciousness. And there is an emptiness that...

Show Us Empathy

2nd, May 2024

Deep inside our souls we all harbor a certain tenderness. We can be asleep to it. We can bury it … but it is still...

Limited Agency

1st, May 2024

It is easy to share a rather hallow promise of limitless agency, an imagined place in which we have 100% control over 100% of our...

Holding Hard Decisions

25th, April 2024

We all face hard choices. Spirituality is not always about what the decision is but often instead focuses on how the decision is made.

The Bread of Heaven

21st, April 2024

When we’re at the end of our rope, we think no future is before us, it is powerful to witness the little miracles that start...

Self-Defeating Behaviors

16th, April 2024

We all have many “less than” moments, moments when we are “less than” that we could potentially be. Welcome to the world of self-defeating behaviors,...

Learning How To Pray

14th, April 2024

One of the quieter ways to create a space for God is prayer. Prayer, as Swedenborg writes, is simply a conversation with God. What are...